Shawn Naylor
July 5, 2015
There are times in our lives when God tells us a "crazy idea", just ask a guy named Simon-Peter. If we listen in obedience to His voice, we allow for His glory to shine through!
Jonathan Anderson
June 28, 2015
God has a journey for each one of us to take. The purpose is to bring us from a state of being self absorbed and only concerned about ourselves to a place where we become mature enough to concern ourselves with other peoples needs and interests.
Victor Deba
June 21, 2015
God listen, speak, protect, heals and is seen in the midst of His people. The Bible tells us that the hand of God is not too short to save, nor His ears too hard to listen. We serve a God who is alive. Let’s separate ourselves from Lot, He will manifest Himself.
Jonathan Anderson
June 14, 2015
The bread that has no spiritual value never satisfies, therefore we live in spiritual starvation, until we come to a place of intimate connection with Jesus who is our real bread and our most important need.
It Tells Me So - The need for Scriptures in our lives
Shawn Naylor
June 7, 2015
If you want to know why you are or who you are or what God is called you to be the answers are in the Scriptures, check them out.
Eric Tendon
May 31, 2015
Jesus taught us how to pray in teaching us the very well known "Our Father". But how important do we really consider prayer is? Do we really believe prayer works? I am looking forward to share how God has totally changed my prayer life, how I enjoy prayer and how God answers in a majestic way!
THE POWER OF FORGIVENESS – Part 4: The other aspect of forgiveness
Jonathan Anderson
May 24, 2015
Forgiveness is loves answer to the pain and hurt that sin causes. It is the process by which we escape the prison of pain and bitterness caused by broken relationships.
THE POWER OF FORGIVENESS – Part 3: The answer to the pain and hurt
Jonathan Anderson
May 17, 2015
Forgiveness is loves answer to the pain and hurt that sin causes. It is the process by which we escape the prison of pain and bitterness caused by broken relationships.
THE POWER OF FORGIVENESS – Part 1: Finding Freedom in Forgiveness
Erin Benson
May 3, 2015
Jesus defeated the power of this world with an earth-shattering act of forgiveness. If we are serious about following his example, then we must be willing to walk out forgiveness in our own lives. In doing this we give Holy Spirit permission to bring healing to the deepest parts of our hearts.
Shawn Naylor
April 26, 2015
No matter what, remember that you are eternally loved and NOTHING can separate you from his love.
Victor Deba
April 19, 2015
The greatest Love - Part2: A new commandement
Jonathan Clarke
April 12, 2015
God's unfailing love allows us to walk out his new commandment to love one another as he loves us. Because he loved us we can love our neighbour as ourself.
FAITH – Part 5: Transforming Faith
Jonathan Anderson
March 29, 2015
Faith is God gift to us and is the road we travel which brings us to our spiritual purpose and destiny.
FAITH – Part 4: Relentless Faith
Jonathan Anderson
March 22, 2015
No matter what we go through, we need to keep going to Jesus until we get His answer.
FAITH – Part 3: Having Faith for the Promise
Erin Benson
March 15, 2015
When attacks and discouragement come, how can we remain in faith for the promise that God has given us.
FAITH – Part 2: A Gift from God
Jonathan Anderson
March 8, 2015
Faith is not just believing in something with great conviction. It is God revealing himself to us and us responding to His call to come to Him.
FAITH – Part 1: The Impossible
Shawn Naylor
March 1, 2015
True faith is what makes a person firm and strong. Faith affirms a person and filters their every choice. The question to you is what are you putting your faith in?.
Proof of GOD – Part 4: Experiencing the trinity
Freddy Bopaka
February 22, 2015
Above and beyond human discours, the presence of God (Father, Son & Holy Spirit) is still manifesting today. Signs, wonders and miracles follows those who experiment his presence.
Proof of GOD – Part 3: Who is Jesus?
Victor Deba
February 15, 2015
The hidden mystery of Jesus Christ.
Proof of God – Part 2: Secular objections to Christianity
Jonathan Anderson
February 8, 2015
Every objection to Christianity is overcome by moving into a deeper intimate understanding of Christianity and by surrendering to Christ the problems that are objected to find resolution.
Proof of God – Part 1: Finding God
Shawn Naylor
February 1, 2015
How can someone prove God? That could be a giant task to prove God, but He surely left clues that point to Him! Listen to how I found God.
Sexuality Series – Part 4: Sexual desire vs sexual appetite
Jonathan Anderson
January 25, 2015
Sexual desire is a gift from God, which seeks to unite with another person. Sexual appetite removes itself from God`s will and seeks to use other people as objects of pleasure.
Sexuality Series – Part 3: It takes three
Shawn Naylor
January 18, 2015
Our sexual desires are God given, which means they're good things. They, our desires, are best met when inside the God given boundaries. Living out our desires this way brings the richest fulfillment. No worries single people, there is something for you too in this message.
Sexuality Series – Part 2: Sexuality and intimacy
Jonathan Anderson
January 11, 2015
Let’s take a look at how the central role of intimacy is the foundation for sexual expression. Gen 2:15-24
Sexuality Series – Part 1: Let’s talk
Shawn Naylor
January 4, 2015
The Church needs to wake up and talk about what’s going on. Let&rss talk with clarity and with love!
Going to God for help
Jonathan Anderson
December 28, 2014
We are like the bread and the fish. When we go to Jesus with who we are or with what we believe is inadequate, it’s Him who does the miracle in our life. He multiplies and transform what we give Him. Matthew 14:16-21
People & relationships Part 6: Covenant love in the family
Jonathan Anderson
December 7, 2014
Our natural family is meant to be a reflection of spiritual reality. Adam and Eve shows us the failure of convenant Love but we need to look at Jesus for the answer to that failure.
People & relationships Part 5: The good, the bad, the ugly
Shawn Naylor
November 30, 2014
No matter how good or bad your relationship is with another person, remember that God always redeems everything 100% if you give it ALL over to him!
People & relationships
Bob Wing
November 23, 2014
We were delighted to have Bob and Anita Wing from Church Alive (NH) with us for a special evening. Here's what Bob had to say about Relationships.
People & relationships Part 4: The vertical & horizontal relationship
Victor Deba
November 23, 2014
The relationship between man and God was broken because of the disobedience of the man to the word of God in the Garden of Eden. God, in His love, restored the man through the sacrifice of Jesus-Christ on the cross.
People & relationships Part 3: Two great loves
Jonathan Anderson
November 16, 2014
There are two main types of love relationships: Christian love (loving your neighbour) and preferential love (friendship and/or marriage). Here’s the different roles these play in our lives and why both are very important.
People & relationships Part 2: Got you covered
Shawn Naylor
November 9, 2014
We remember as way to honor the people of World War 2 because of what they have done for us. Likewise in the same manner Jesus died for us so that we could live free and eternally. He, Jesus, honored us by dying for our sins and now we should honor Him, Jesus, by telling others what He has done for us!
People & relationships Part 1: Relationships & Responsibilities
Jonathan Anderson
November 2, 2014
This message speaks about our relationships with the world and each other. Healthy relationships with people are being defined by fellowship rather than using people to get what we want from them. Our responsibility to others being based on the fact that we are made in Gods image therefore we belong to Him. So we must have the deepest respect for each other.
Worship Series – Part 4 : Honouring His Presence
Tanya Allat
October 26, 2014
This message is based on the central truth that worship and praise are the primary activities of Heaven. The more we live as citizens of Heaven, the more Heaven's activities infect our lifestyle.
Worship Series – Part 3 : Even the rocks!
Shawn Naylor
October 19, 2014
Once we gain understanding of who God is, then we can understand why we worship, and then in act how we worship Him in our lives yearly, monthly, weekly, daily.
Worship Series – Part 2
Jonathan Anderson
October 12, 2014
There are 2 key elements within the makeup of worship; the fear of the Lord and rejoicing in the Lord. Also, the importance of worshipping together.
Worship Series – Part 1
Jonathan Anderson
October 5, 2014
Our souls are designed to thirst for God. We resemble what we revere.
The Holy Spirit Series – Part 5: Connecting with Holy Spirit
Erin Benson
September 28, 2014
The importance of becoming sensitive to Holy Spirit, and practical ways that we can build relationship with Him.
The Holy Spirit Series – Part 4: Tongues of fire
Shawn Naylor
September 21, 2014
There are many views on speaking in tongues. Here is our, Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, understanding of its role in the church and our personal lives.
The Holy Spirit Series – Part 3: Pursuing your shadow
Shawn Naylor
September 14, 2014
You can do great things just by being there! Like Peter let your shadow do the work. Acts 5:15
The Holy Spirit Series – Part 1: His work through the Bible
Jonathan Anderson
August 31, 2014
The future is here and now
Shawn Naylor
August 24, 2014
All who are born of God overcomes the world
Julie Davis
July 27, 2014
We all need freedom and strength of the victory that has overcome the world - Our faith in Christ Jesus. Let us believe God for freedom in every area of our lives! We have victory in Jesus! 1 John 5:3-4
Breaking bad habits
Shawn Naylor
July 20, 2014
We all have bad habits or habitual sin. We need to have them broken, and the only way is by remaining in the presence of God and allowing His glory to shine in ALL circumstances! 1 John 1:5-7
Idols in the Inner Court
Jonathan Clarke
July 13, 2014
An examination of idolatry through the study of the Kings of Judah.
Loving God and your Neighbour in the Age of Entitlement
Jim Benson
July 6, 2014
If the measure of our love for God is determined by the quality of relationships with our neighbour, then how do we face the challenges of a world that places little value on the needs of others?
Shame to honour
Erin Benson
June 29, 2014
Our human nature is to hide from God when we are hurt or we feel shame, but God wants us to run into His arms and allow Him to bring healing to our hearts through the honour that He bestows on us. Let's learn to run to God instead of running away from Him. Isaiah 61:7
Sight Unseen
Shawn Naylor
June 22, 2014
Faith does not require much, just 100% of trust. The more we know Christ, the more we trust and the greater our faith becomes. Jehovah-Jireh, our Provider.
Let your heart take courage in the Lord
Julie Davis
June 15, 2014
We need courage and strength in the face of pain or grief. The type of strength that makes someone capable of facing extreme danger and difficulty without retreating. The solution is found in Psalm 27:14 "Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage (strength); yes, wait for the Lord."
Obedient Love
Joanne Kingsley
June 8, 2014
God is calling the church to obey his commands, the first being to love him passionately, the second to love each other even when we do not understand one another. He commands us to love the foreigner and to love those who are strange to us with the mercy and compassion of Jesus Christ.
He is inviting us to 30 days of prayer for Muslims during Ramadan. Who will take up the call?
The Garden of Gethsemane
Jonathan Anderson
June 1st, 2014
How Jesus experience in the garden was the gateway to our spiritual inheritance.
The importance of Sonship
Erin Benson
May 25, 2014
Just like Jesus, we find our identity and security in the approval of our Father. This is the only way that we can withstand attacks from the enemy. We need to know how God sees us; we are His masterpiece. That is where we find our strength. Romans 8:14-17
Jonathan Anderson
May 11th and 18th, 2014
HEALING OUR IDENTITY. How sin has deformed our sense of responsibility, our very identity, so that God`s law becomes an unwelcome obligation, creating a gap between what is and what ought to be in our lives. How the Cross restores this spiritual brokenness within us. Also on may 18th, How the cross deals with internal conflicts that result from sinful nature.
The Secret Place in His Presence
Julie Davis
May 4th, 2014
God's Presence is the secret place. I AM always with you. He is calling us to come close to Him and build our own relationship with Him You are safe in Me. The center of life is intimacy Living our lives out of His Presence. Matthew 6:6
Jonathan Anderson
April 27, 2014
The cross that defines us. Why and how the cross teaches us who we really are in relation to God and man.
Hope for Mankind
Joanne Kingsley
April 20, 2014
We live in a world desperate for a saviour, but we see only comic book super heroes who don't exit except in our imagination. There is a saviour who came to bring hope to those who have none - Jesus Christ, Son of Man and Son of God.
Joy, Freedom and breakthrough
Shawn Naylor
April 13, 2014
Joy and Freedom are based in the Lord. Joy and Freedom comes when you let go and give it all to God in obedience. In turn you allow God to deliver breakthrough in your life!
Hope in God
Victor Deba
April 6, 2014
Why should we put our hope in God? Romans 4:18-21
The Cross: Part 2
Jonathan Anderson
March 30, 2014
How will it impact your life?
Basic Essential
Shawn Nailor
March 23, 2014
In dealing with yourself and/or other on a project, we must identify our basics so that we and the project can thrive!
The Cross: Part 1
Jonathan Anderson
March 16, 2014
The central importance of the cross in our lives!
Growing in the Prophetic
Erin Benson
March 9, 2014
Three simple steps that we can take to grow in confidence in sharing God's heart with others.
Love the stranger among you
Joanne Kingsley
March 2, 2014
How can we as the church show the love of Jesus to those who come from far away? God is revealing his plan of reaching the nations by opening our hearts and homes to international students right here at home with ‘International Student Ministries of Canada’ (ISMC).
Our Union with Christ : Father & Son Relationship
Nadine Morasse
Febuary 23, 2014
OUR UNION WITH CHRIST: FATHER & SON RELATIONSHIP - Jesus did everything so we can get everything through Him! Galatians 3:26 - 4:7
Align and Activate in action
Shawn Naylor
February 16, 2014
When we put God first, then the soul and finally flesh into submission to the correct order, we can live in power!
Our source of strenght
Jonathan Anderson
February 9, 2014
We turn to each other for encouragement, but must turn to God and be filled with the Holy Spirit in order to have the strength to percevere through times of testing so that the fire of God in our hearts does not go out.
The unshakable kingdom
Jonathan Anderson
February 2, 2014
The process of God taking possession of our hearts through trials and hardships. How God removes all the things that are not permanent from our hearts.
The Great Mystery
Nadine Morasse
January 26, 2014
The Great Mystery of all time revealed: Jesus living in us!